◎細讀並彙整: Does the autistic child have a “theory of mind” ?
1. 閱讀、翻譯、整理"discussion"(昨日未進行)
1. 閱讀、翻譯、整理"discussion"(昨日未進行)
discussion的部分,最後面說明"此研究鼓勵我們持續發展該理論架構,特別在於連結假扮遊戲、心智理論概念與社交技巧",是否應該增加對於起初研究假說 :「成立新模型」這件事情多做說明、交代,或連結該模型至臨床問題,而非這樣帶過(有說,又好像沒說...)。
※待與Lynn釐清:英文語意理解問題-result section
1. "The Belief Question for both trials was answered consistently by each child with the sole exception of one Down’s Syndrome child who failed trial 1 and passed trial 2."
問題:trail 1 & 2分別是指什麼?句型看不太懂..
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discussion的部分,最後面說明"此研究鼓勵我們持續發展該理論架構,特別在於連結假扮遊戲、心智理論概念與社交技巧",是否應該增加對於起初研究假說 :「成立新模型」這件事情多做說明、交代,或連結該模型至臨床問題,而非這樣帶過(有說,又好像沒說...)。
1. " This becomes especially clear on trial 2 where the autistic children never
pointed to the box (which had been the ‘wrong’ location on trial l), but instead to the experimenter’s pocket-that is, again to where the marble really was."
待釐清trail 1& trail 2 差別;為何會提到experimenter's pocket (在result之前的內文均沒提到)?
2. "The ability we have been testing could be considered as a kind of conceptual perspective-taking skill (Shantz, 1983). However, it is important to contrast the present task with traditional perceptual perspective-taking tasks, such as ‘line of sight’ or ‘three mountains’, where a child has to indicate what
can be seen from another point of view (Hobson, 1982; Hughes & Donaldson,
1979; Piaget and Inhelder, 1956).
確認文意理解是否正確:一直以來在探討conceptual perspective-taking skill,然而現在的任務較多是傳統的perceptual perspective-taking skill(透過該能力,可以去理解他人觀點) ?
3. 接續上點2句子," Such perceptual perspective-taking tasks can be solved using solely visuo-spatial skills and in no way require imputing beliefs to others (Cox, 1980; Huttenlocher & Presson, 1979)."
若對於點2句子的理解是正確的(透過persceptual perspective-taking skill可以理解他人觀點),為何下一句又說perceptual perspective-taking taskds只需要用到視覺空間能力、而不需要輸入他人信念?上下句矛盾了?
4. "This finding, Hobson argued, suggests that it is very unlikely that the cognitive abilities required in taking different points of view in perceptual situations are the same as those that underlie the autistic child’s social disability. "
"Hobosn argued"是否為省略之複合子句"Hobson was argued",我的理解是"Hobson 在提出這個觀點時,被挑戰"。而他的觀點為"自閉症社交能力缺損之能力,在理解他人觀點的層面上,不可能只受認知能力影響"
5. "The results of the present study would confirm this interpretation and point
5. "The results of the present study would confirm this interpretation and point
towards a crucial distinction between the understanding of perceptual situations and the attribution of higher order mental states."
perceptual situations 是更高層度的mental states?
6. "Thus we have demonstrated a cognitive deficit that is largely independent of general intellectual
level and has the potential to explain both lack of pretend play and social impairment by ‘virtue of a circumscribed cognitive failure. "
1. 出現較多Tom領域之相關/專有詞彙,對此概念較陌生、難以立即理解作者欲表達的概念
2. 許多複合子句又臭又長...,文意理解上不好上手
3. 提出其他研究佐證或比較:如"line of sight"、或"three mountains"。對這些研究一竅不通...,難以掌握作者討論之重點,可能要多閱讀相關概念之文獻以改善
4. 寫作上較無結構性,作者習慣講到什麼、就寫什麼,需要自行串聯完整概念(又前面有提到蠻多文意理解上不是很肯定,在串聯概念上就更困難了) >文意理解不確定的部分,均有註記起來,下週一會與Lynn確認
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