a. AI居家說明_大中小班_追蹤版 √
b. AI居家說明_大中小班_初評版 √
c. AI居家說明_幼幼班_初評版 √
d. MABC-2檢核表 √
e. 火車圖_居家評估_初評版 √
f.機器人_居家評估_追蹤版 √
g. 招募單 √
h. 研究說明單_一般兒童版 √
i. 研究說明單_發展遲緩兒童版 √
j. 家長通知QRCode √
k. 基本資料表 √
l. 遊戲調查表 √
m. cbcl問卷 √
n. 利益衝突表 √
1. 時態問題:
(1) 講實驗中的事情都要用過去式呈現(result 和 method都是)
(2) 講研究結果、或是確定的事實使用現在式呈現
2. 文法問題:
(1) 有幾個句子會有直接中文式句子,讀者容易看不懂
(2) 注意主詞與動詞單複數是否一致
(3) 有些句子太冗長,可以直接說明/拿掉贅詞
(4) 介係詞使用錯誤
3. 有些用詞過於口語,不適合出現在文獻中,要調整詞彙
◎閱讀文獻(result 與 discussion)、調整彙整文獻
Does the autistic child have a “theory of mind”?
The author wanted to figure out that is the dysfunction of “Theory of mind” only independent of mental age, and specifically found in autistic children. Thus, this research hypothesis was that autistic children would fail to impute beliefs to others due to lack of Theory of mind, although their mental age is higher than other groups.
There were three groups, 14 Down’s Syndrome children , 27 normal preschool children, and 20 autistic children.
All children were asked to listen a story, and then answered three questions (naming question, belief question, and two control questions).
There were two dolls in this story, named Anne and Sally. At first, the children would be asked to name question, “Which doll was which?” After confirming they could recognize two dolls, the story would begin.
Sally placed the marble in her basket, and then exited. During the time Sally exited, Anne moved the marble from basket to the box. Then, Sally returned the room, at the same time, the children would be asked the belief question, “Where will Sally look for her marble?” If children answered correctly, they would be asked two control questions next. Two control questions are reality question, and memory question; both questions are used to make sure that the children didn’t answer correctly by chance. The reality question is “Where is the marble really?”; and the memory question is “Where was the marble in the beginning?”
To make this research more convincing, they have trial two that was repeated using a new location, experimenter’s pocket, for the marble. Then, same as trail one, the experimenter would ask three questions to each group.
The result of this research is that under the situation, all children passed naming question, the Down’s Syndrome and normal children passed the belief question 85% and 86% respectively, but in the autistic children only 20% passed the question.
This result showed us the group of autistic children could not impute others beliefs, so they failed the belief question in both trails. The theory used to explain this dysfunction is “Theory of mind”, and is refers to even though their IQ are average, they still have problem to predict others behavior. A theory of mind is impossible without the capacity to form “second-order representations.” If they lack of this capacity, it would lead to social impairments, and also lack of pretend play. Another results was found that they considered this skill, to impute others belief, was related to conceptual perspective-taking skill, which is a higher mental state contrast to intelligent level.
1. 待與謝老師釐清文獻之問題紀錄
(1) 一般小兒研究,約需收到幾筆受試者,才可以算是有充分收案對象、較完整的研究? (2) discussion的部分,最後面說明"此研究鼓勵我們持續發展該理論架構,特別在於連結假扮遊戲、心智理論概念與社交技巧",是否應該增加對於起初研究假說 :「成立新模型」這件事情多做說明、交代,或連結該模型至臨床問題,而非這樣帶過(有說,又好像沒說...)。
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